The word ‘sapphire’, when used alone refers to the blue variety of corundum. Though a sapphire can be any colour except red. An ancient myth held that exposure to the sun caused sapphire’s glorious blue. The longer they ripened, the bluer they became. Moses was supposedly given the Ten Commandments on a tablet of blue sapphire making it the most sacred of gemstones, a stone of divine favour and a symbol of the wise and truthful.
Sapphires from Kashmir are said to have an unrivalled natural beauty. The Kashmir mine closed in 1887, after just six years in production. Sapphire has more recently become popular as an engagement stone. A 12 carat oval Ceylon sapphire, is the centre stone of the engagement ring of Katherine Middleton and Prince William – previously worn by Diana Princess of Wales.

Where is sapphire being mined?​
Today sapphire is being mined in Africa, Asia, Australia and North America

Sapphire Is 9 on the Mohs scale.
Sapphire is made up of the three most abundant elements on earth – Aluminium, Oxygen and Silicon.

Any except red.

Birthstone and Anniversary Stone
Ancient lists say Sapphire is the birthstone of April and the star sign Taurus. In modern-day Sapphire is the birthstone for September. Sapphire is the gift traditionally given on the 45th wedding anniversary.

Phenomenal Sapphire​
Sapphires can show a phenomena called ‘Asterism’. Tiny inclusions form in the sapphire and produce star-like rays across the surface of the sapphire.
Sapphires can also show a phenomena called ‘Colour-Change’. Trace elements cause sapphires colours to change in day light and fluorescent light.

The Black Star of Queensland. One of the worlds largest star sapphires, weighing 733ct.